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Dying Fetus: "Destroy The Opposition" – 2000

энциклопедия: Dying Fetus

Состав группы:

  • Kevin Talley – ударные
  • Jason Netherton – бас, вокал
  • Sparky Voyles – гитара
  • John Gallagher – гитара, вокал

Dying Fetus: "Destroy The Opposition" – 2000


  1. Praise The Lord (Opium Of The Masses)
  2. Destroy The Opposition
  3. Born In Sodom
  4. Epidemic Of Hate
  5. Pissing In The Mainstream
  6. In Times Of War
  7. For Us Or Against Us
  8. Justifiable Homicide
  9. Reduced To Slavery


1. Praise The Lord (Opium Of The Masses)

One by one, the young will fall, indoctrination process growing
some to weak to fight at all, who controls their future?
god above, or god below, questions that no one can answer
live the truth, or die to know, its my agnostic vision
Jews killing Muslims, and Christians killing Jews
the circle is unending, and all sides always lose
if faith is blind devotion, then death is the result
when history is rotten, the young and pure grow dead and cold
I don't need a book for saving, fellowship or days of praying
organizing means dilution, and results in persecution
through it all I keep a vision, understand what I believe in
truth is not the faith you follow, its far more than you could ever know
religion, the burden, we carry forth
mankind, addicted, the drug spreads on
paranoia eats all reason, driving their crusading mission
zealotry from Rome to Mecca, millions more become infected
God can not be mass projected, (or) beaten out through forced confessions
its for all of us to ponder, not for dogma's chains to hold us down
wake up and put the past where it belongs
just beat them back till they are gone
because their doctrines lead to misery
they're prophets preaching fantasy
how can they hold themselves above the rest?
from holy birth to martyr's death
the moral quest for life beyond
is just a pipe-dream for the paranoid
born from the flesh just like all earth down below
which came from a life form we can never know ( in our present context)
pray for a world that only God above can save?
the church is the reason why they've lost their way
crusades and inquisitions, holy wars, jihad
they are the willing victims of a grand facade
above it all, the lies are told, the masses follow without question
first to die, or last to go, I know my convictions
flesh and blood and spirit life, the trinity of my perception
dead awake, or sleeping dead, we will find out in the end

2. Destroy The Opposition

...Who does the earth belong to?
The human termites spreading lies
The people have to make a decision
but their too busy dying to try and realize
who controls their future
the money flows above their heads
just give them all a chance to make contact
and the last ones shall rise up to seek revenge
there was a time when, the weak would suffer
the ones in power, would crush all who dissent
just look around, cause nothing's changed
no longer kings, they wear a suit and tie
those who survive, have no conviction
just follow trends, until their "born again"
so who will live and who will die?
its up to us, to carry on the fight
rising up-from the ashes to the challenge
face to face-its not too late to start resisting
all around-we have a chance to change the world
believe in us-tommorow's dreams are fire in our blood
bred to buy, not to think, tell more lies, make them weak
nothing's real-except the mindset you've created
to the left-avoid the path that they've been paving
mainstream lies-unleashed through waves that mold behavior
we've had enough-their greedy fucking system's going down
bred to buy, not to think, tell more lies, make them weak
without hestitation I will kick the TV in
sick of all these fuckers with their prozac grins
always selling shit that noone wants or needs
choking up the planet with their get-rich schemes
a mediated world what a sick reality
wake the fuck up smell the shit then you will see
whats good for them isn't good for everyone
the future starts now for a past yet to come
just ask them one question and they'll tell you 15 lies
they're Judas, Hitler, Stalin, and Brutus all combined
the world is false-constructed just to satisfy their needs
if we keep obeying orders we're like lambs to the slaughter for their feast
handed down, the final call, rise to fight, destroy them all
its too late to accommodate, the game is lost cause no one is thinking
born with a chance to facilitate, the end of a time thats defined by hypocrisy
just like rats they will multiply, and run with the pack without ever seeing
out of the womb to be crucified, we challenge the doctrine they've been preaching

3. Born In Sodom

Born, a human life, into this world
dead, the sad result, from disease
a century of sacrifice is lost in greed
in a time of massive wealth, where not one sees
chemical children are raised in the streets
their whore-mothers begging beside
in prisons the riots are breeding resistance
the starving all seek to be fed
a shit-city built on the backs of the poor
where the real world is buried beneath
while tourists and business-the partners in greed
devour the fruit of the land
starving-and dying– assassins surround to kill them
praying– for something or someone to set them free
life– in Babylon, post AD
defined in terms of "what can you do for me"
the world outside is full of rot, so walls divide
the burn, of acid air and black cloud skies
death squads are crawling the city in search of
the "worthless" to fill up mass graves
corrupted and careless, degrading all life
these cops are the killers well-trained
millions of people stand dead on their feet
begging for mercy denied
breathing pollution and slaving to eat
they're humans, but empty inside
rise, out of the slums
they seek to fight, just to defend
cause there's nothings
left, just a future of death,
breath, inherit the earth,
now they shall be reborn
how can you think that our world is so good?
the red, white, and blue blinds your eyes
when everything's fine in your white neighborhood
who cares for the dying outside?
forced to rebellion, uprising, they're tearing through the
walls of, confinement, uprooted, the promise of a
Third World, resistance, the power, is overtaken
nightfall, in Sodom, its burning, its time to bring it down
now the time has come at last
to give back what they demand
just a chance for life and peace
far away, from famine and disease
power has changed across the world
now its just the money that rules in Sodom today
and the bastards that run the corporate plan
will be choking on their blood when the masses make them pay

4. Epidemic Of Hate

Don't fucking turn away, 'cause I think we've got a problem here.
You gotta stay off my back, I can't take another day in this prison.
Locked inside of here, imprisoned in flesh for mental light-years.
Pushing all my buttons now, you're just another cold, worthless victim.
There's no time, don't hold me down. You crossed the line, now you're fucked.
Life's a heavy price to pay, but when you're dead, there's no complaining.

I think of how you deceived, and I get my blood on fire.
The last one to believe, I never thought of execution.

But there's nothing left for me me, and I think you're,
you're asking for a beat-down. Take the fucker's life!
He had to pay the price, the greed went to his head.
I've lost my faith in man, there's no regrets with me.

At last my mind can be... free of the pressure, the lies, and deception.
It's the shit that they feed me everyday,
just looking back on the days of my life.
I can find another reason, to make you fucking burn at the stake.

I can't wait another day, 'cause the tide's turning back on you bullshit
You are wasting my time and respect with your lies.
Destroyer of faith, cashed out, falling down.
Years of deception in chains of oppression.

The knots of the system tied tight around me.
The growing confusion and absence of reason,
Is fuel on the fire that burns my anger,
driving me forward in psychotic compulsion.

Hate is erupting, I can't control it.
Social dimensions collapsing, corroded.
The net is wide open, we all are left for dead.

5. Pissing In The Mainstream

...the media is a tool designed to mold us into slaves
drugging us into an empty apathetic daze
the trick is that we think that everything is going fine
but the truth to our reality is buried in the mind
I don't give a fuck about the Hollywood elite
I don't really care if models can't fucking eat
I don't give a fuck about what movie is on top
But what I really know is that the shit has got to stop
consumer appetities are never satisfied in full
cause the objects that they buy can simply never fill the void
a constant need for meaning and accumulting shit
drives the lust in their obssession just to get another fix
I don't give a fuck about the TV ratings game
The "Real World's" not a party, just a place for the insane
If that reflects reality then pass another drink
you try to be a millionare, I'll vomit in the sink
what the fuck is left to try
on a avaricious nation on an economic high?
If Rome could last 500 years
who then will throw the wrench inside our gears?
the bottom line is money on the Western power scene
where celebrities and porn can let the population dream
their pathetic humans living in an advertising glut
who devour with a passion what the mainstream vomits up

6. In Times Of War

Don't look back nothing's left but the blood red text on the planet earth's epitaph
"here they lie, the human race, they fucked themselves, and laid earth waste "
blind to the fact that the bomb was coming down, their sanity was sold for a beggar's handout what
they got is what they made, and the final act of this tragedy ends with pain so
drunk with power, they sit laughing at ground zero one
more drink, push a button, and let the fuckers go its
a drama, its a game, and lastly its a joke what's
left for ones, who never had a chance to know that
the powers inside are driven with the lust to fight so
they hand us their lies, and say its gonna be alright but
the truth to it is, they tax us just to kill ourselves and
our very own bombs will blow-us –all-to –hell reckless,
our neglect multiplies, the children of a Cold War left behind
come and see the doctor, Strangelove is here no
other superpower = nothing to fear who
needs a fucking treaty, when we got guns
fuck the little countries, lets have some fun
thinking back to where we came from
we can see how far we've come
but the price of our inventions
burns us like the heat on the surface of the sun
who can know what foul intentions
start inside the human mind
for only the proud human being
could conjure up a plan to obliterate his kind
the flash of light was quick to blind me
much like the lies they told me before
so naпve we thought it was all over
but history returns with another world war

7. For Us Or Against Us

Turn your back and take a look
at what the world is really like.
What is there for you and I? (Nothing short of suicide)

Burn the candle at both ends,
the options growing few.
Something's wrong, don't pretend (you must now decide)
Mounting pressure, social breakdown
a dying planet, revolution, mass uprising,
we're begging for it.

Live for us, or live for them
the worker is the key.
shut outside, with no defense (from factory to burning fields).

Sweat and blood, for days and years
hours wasted still, more to life than wealth and war?
(what is left for them to kill?)

The force of life, is dead of thirst
golden years have turned to rust, our spirits crushed,
our bodies bleed, our throats are cut.

And dreams of better times have turned to dust.
For the last time, can you fuck off an die?
You made this world, and killed it.

So rich that your cash has made you blind,
you don't give a fuck about us. My patience is too thin to try.
Your kind was made to suffer, by the powers we hold in time.
Your life will soon be over.

Our lives determined by the system's needs,
lost inside its cold machinery.
Fucked for life, 'cause the base is paved.
We whore ourselves out for a daily wage.

Laughing at the children by their feet,
their greed can turn such innocence to meat.
So contract signed, and with no mind to feed,
the masses slave it while the masters feast.

The sources of their lies, are hidden in the past
The essence of the truth, lies dead in the aftermath.
Find another way, before the cause is lost
Pull yourself up, and we'll fight together.

With us or not, there are no in-betweens
Try and think fast, or you won't be breathing.
From this point, the only way is up
Time is running out, the door is slamming shut.

The burden of a cost, may be too much
It takes a lot of lives, just to break the cycle.
It takes a lot of hate, and takes a lot of luck
the sooner it's all done, we can finally say we're free

Burning, our consciousness. The fire is spreading.
The challenge is waiting...

8. Justifiable Homicide

profits are the powermad's motivating force, just a greedy aspiration to be
fed put to the test, they'll fuck all the rest, till all their rivals are
dead...they're dead
Pushed on to fight as the pressure infects and their rotten intentions arise
our retalitation forces are the primary front, we all have got to
cut them down to size
faceless prophets pushing nazi policies, money is the God they defend
the workers released, the lions are fed, its all just a means to an end,
the war is here and the mission is clear, engage-enforce-erase ERASE
who are they to say we're free
there's no choices I can see
just look around– the tension builds
– who's to blame when it comes down?
drug laws, no privacy
the last breath of sanity
its all fucked –cause what I see is
too damn many brainwashed humans
the forces of dissention are released
their products and corruption no one needs
the cracks within the system start to show
so lets fucking let them know
think if you can, your a fucking waste of life
one too may dreams have broken
down through the past, it's a spiral into night
try if you can, break this cycle clean
work for a wage, its a lie, its a mind game
breaking your back for some mother fucker
he doesn't care, and no one really does
life is short, so get up off your knees
there's no peace, till we rip off the roof of this whole desecration
haul out the liers who claim who claim they "got a job to do"
cause we all understand there're violent implications
inside a world that needs us, to see the fucking deal go through
through false tenets heralding the "right to mass consumption"
the population's gluttony is spread
fatter and weaker, no thinking's allowed empty eyes on empty heads
chaos surrounds as the system's cut down, these fuckers are as good as dead
once we tear out the heart in this evisceration
you'll know just where the fuck the world's going to
fuck you if you believe there's no alternative
thats where we fill-fill your empty void
there's no changing the faith of the common man
he's got life that your mind could never comprehend
worthless waste just a shell of human life
now cold dead, a death justified

9. Reduced To Slavery

(Japan Bonus Track)

...Below the southern flank there lies a hell thats left alone
and its not the kind of place where fucking tourists like to go
"paradise" is relative across the open sea
where a billion other people live and die in poverty
they try to make a "living" on the corporate bottom line
but the sum of their existence doesn't add up to a dime
and the overwhelming excess that their daily labor feeds
fills the pockets of the rich who seek to maximize their greed
In a world commodified
the masses rise again
to keep the profits high
and keep themselves shut in
What does it mean
when the value of life
is worth less than
a dollar a day?
There are no excuses just people to feed
and when your starving words just don't fucking matter
sleeping on the ground with the shit and rats
they're gonna go another day if it breaks their backs
noone ever cares if they make it or not
because if one man dies there are 10 to take his spot
their dreams will rot with time
as the soil turns to sand
and the high rises climb
and the rich rape their land
bled for a profit while their bodies grow weak
they are a class in themselves fighting just to breath
corporation slaves work the engines of greed
they can buy a life but they can't buy freedom
seven days a week on the factory floor
they're godforsaken human work-whores
go buy your shit and keep the system alive
and two cents will go to the kid who did the job
God can't hear them crying
work to live, live to die
trapped within a cruel exsistence
misery multiplies welcome to the new
world order buried dreams,
worthless lives empathy is out of fashion

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